
Right now, this package has the following functionality:

  • Asynchronous bug fetching
  • Pluggable support for new bug tracker types, and for special-cased BugParser objects

For the next release, I would expect the following goals:

  • Very high coverage of the bugimporters code from within the test suite. (Note that most of the code actually is tested, but the tests haven’t been moved over from oh-mainline.)
  • Documentation on how to visualize the coverage.xml file from something other than Jenkins. (Perhaps there’s an HTML report we can generate.)

For releases after that:

  • Contacting the contributors and getting them to agree to the Apache License 2.0 for this code (or at least not AGPLv3; perhaps GPLv3 or LGPLv3; but my vote is for Apache License 2.0).
  • Adding support for other bug tracking backends, such as’s Allura, and the older tracker.
  • Fixing the “old_trac” support to work again. (In the past, we relied on a Django model called TracBugTimes that stored the content of some RSS feeds. In oh-bugimporters, we can instead cache those RSS feeds on the filesystem somewhere, and thereby stop using the database as a cache.)
  • Refactoring to use scrapy to manage the crawl, so we can delete all our messy async download management code.
  • Documentation describing how to create a simple Python dict describing a bug tracker, and pass that through the machinery to get a dump of that bug tracker’s bug data. (After the move to Scrapy, this should be fairly easy.)


If you want to file specific bugs against this package, use the main OpenHatch bug tracker. Please add the “bugimporters” tag.

Relevant links: